Okay, I have a really really good news. BREAKING DAWN INDONESIA VERSION IS GOIN TO BE RELEASED ON SATURDAY 31st January!!!!!!!! Yeay! Happy reading everyone.
Rara Cullen loves
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Full Twilight series and Robert Pattinson updates!

1. Contact Music reports that RPattz isn't looking forward to reprising his blood-sucking role in the hit film's sequel new moon- because he has to wear uncomfortable contact lenses for the part!! What???????
2. The Daily Beast compiled a slideshow, featuring 2008's Breakout Stars. RPattz is included in the list.
3. Here's item from Hollywood Dame.
Robert Pattinson has admitted to having sex with Kristen Stewart. No, your eyes right. What the stupid fuckin ass did influenced and manipulated your brain Rob? You really HURT me. I'm not lying, check the truth here.
Robert Pattinson has admitted to having sex with Kristen Stewart. No, your eyes right. What the stupid fuckin ass did influenced and manipulated your brain Rob? You really HURT me. I'm not lying, check the truth here.
4. twilight is listed in Cinematical's 25 Hottest of 2008!
RPattz is at No. 5.
Few can claim a supporting role in the Harry Potter series and then go on to open their own franchise wide and loud once the latest of those films shuffled off their November turf. Center to all this madness is Pattinson, complete with perpetual pout and glittery skin. It's enough to make you trample one another in a San Francisco mall, just to kiss the ground he practically glided over.
Twilight is at No. 3.
The pop culture phenom that put the 'Hot' back in 'Hot Topic,' Twilight (the book, the film and the massive fanbase) created a frenzy not seen since The Great Beanie Baby Stampede of '94. With two more sequels set to hit theaters in 2009 and 2010, the amount of pretend teen vampires living in your community will soon reach an all-time high.
5. Want to know Moviefone vote result, there were a bunch of twilight and Rob. Click Best and Worst of 2008 list
6. Sam Bradley, the man behind Never Think, and Rob's.
Click for the articel: http://www.portraitmagazine.net/interviews/sambradley.html
Rara Cullen
Kristen Stewart,
Robert Pattinson,
Sam Bradley,
Friday, January 2, 2009
2008: year of the vampire
You know what, 2008 is the year of the vampire(based on a web or magazine i forgot). Twilight pasti jadi alasan kuat kenapa taun ini taunnya vampir kan? Van Helsing and another fucky vampy ain't got nothing than my Edward Cullen......
Well, maybe 2009 is the year of Werewolf? Cause you know, new moon got a pack of werewolf right? Twilight series really a phenomenon.
Celebrity Contest
Popstar had what they called the "Celebrity Love Awards, 2008".
Twilight stars made their way to the top:
-Robert Pattinson came in 2nd. (the Jonas Brothers make me want to punch a hole in my wall.)
-Stephenie Meyer came in 4th. (she's a celebrity now whether she likes it or not =P)
-Kristen Stewart came in 7th.
-Taylor Lautner came in 8th.
-Ashley Greene came in 13th.
-Cam Gigandet came in 14th.
-Kellan Lutz came in 15th.
-Jackson Rathbone came in 16th.
-Nikki Reed came in 18th.
-Rachelle Lefevre came in 28th.
-Elizabeth Reaser came in 29th.
-Peter Facinelli came in 31st.
-Christian Serratos came in 32nd.
-Edi Gathegi came in 38th.
-Billy Burke came in 41st.
-Anna Kendrick came in 43rd.
-Michael Welch came in 61st.
-Catherine Hardwicke came in 72nd.
That's basically the entire Twilight cast right thur. Click here to see the entire list.
New Moon Egg Hunt

Rara Cullen
Thursday, January 1, 2009
How To Be!

From the official HTB newsletter:
It has been an amazing year for How To Be. But first, let's start with some announcements for 2009!
1. We have sold distribution rights for Italy to Just Us Films! Details of the release are being worked out right now, and further news on the Italian release of How To Be will follow in the New Year.
2. For all you American Fans, How To Be is very close to securing a distribution deal for the US! We are also looking forward to UK and other international releases. We will do all we can to keep you up to date!
3. We are also very happy to announce we have been accepted to CineQuest Film Festival in San Jose, California. We'll pass on dates, locations and times as soon as we have them. This will be the first California screening of How To Be!
4. Official film posters, which we debuted at the Austin Film Festival, are now on our website. Please download them, send them to friends, and print them out!
And now, to wrap up 2008, here's a short update on what the cast and crew have been up to since our last newsletter.
In October, Director Oliver Irving attended the Gotham Screen Film Festival in New York and participated in a Q&A after the film. Our friends at Twilight News have a few pictures here . In November Johnny White (who plays Ronny in How To Be) attended the Lone Star International Film Festival and participated in a Q&A after the screening. You can view footage of the Q&A here and photos here. How To Be also recently screened at the Anchorage Film Festival on December 10th.
I hope i will get How To Be as i get Twilight!
MSN Year in Review 2008: regrettable trends in pop culture
MSN posted up a slideshow on Regrettable Trends in Pop Culture under their Review of 2008 article. twilight is in the list.
Totally disagree with this one (hardly anyone regrets twilight!), thought the reason why twilight is on their list is... interesting.
"In the weeks before the movie came out, fans of the book series stormed suburban malls to see the Boy Who Would Play Edward. Injuries happened -- including some self-inflicted neck wounds because, apparently, not all fans are aware that Edward is just a pretend vampire/perfect boyfriend/accomplished Volvo driver.
The backlash may have already begun, though. It started with the fourth book in the series, which featured some bruising love scenes and a medical procedure that will forever be referred to as "The Edwardian Section." And it was sealed with the release of the movie. Even though fans mostly loved it, they also snickered at the rather over-the-top dialogue.
"You better hold on tight, spider monkey!" is this year's "Nobody puts Baby in a corner."
But what we were really expecting when we fell in love with a guy whose skin ... glittered?"
From: MSN
More pictures from MySpace artist on artist

Rara Cullen
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008 2009
Goodbye 2008 welcome 2009.
Tahun 2008 menjadi taun yang mengubah semuanyaaaaaaaaa.
Pertama, gua kenal sama cowok yang aneh banget menurut gua. Menurut orang lain pasti biasa aja, tapi menurut gua, this guy is weirder than charlie capplin. Gua gak bisa ngerti jalan pikirannya. Gua sampe dititik ngerasa bahwa gua 'kenal' dia, dan ternyata i'm wrong. Dia dunianya luas banget. Dan kadang-kadang sorot matanya berubah-ubah-well, gua belajar menilai dan menebak orang dari sorot mata, like Edward does. Kadang, dia jadi brandalan, kadang baik-nah baik ini bahaya karena gua jadi suka sama dia, kadang lucu kadang kayak tai dan lain lain. Gua memutuskan di tahun 2009, i move on this stupid ashes. I just waisted my time or him. Gua tau gua sama dia beda nya udah kayak vampir beda sama werewolf. So, i decide to let him go away by wind. Toh, dia balikan lagi sama ceweknya. As long as i have Robert Pattinson, i don't care with another guy.
Kedua, I read New Moon and Eclipse in 2008. Well, gua gak suka new moon karena Jacob semua di bagian tengah buku. But, when we were on Volturi part, that was amazing and Edward was back! Jadi, New Moon tetep keren banget. Sementara Eclipse, ini menurut perspektif gua ya, gua males banget bacanya. Ada Edward, that's a yeay! But, i hate Bella. Dia egois. Dia jahatin Edward. Dan Jacob nyakitin hati Edward. Kok si Bella tolol banget gitu ya? Kenapa sih dia mau nyium Jacob cuma supaya Jacob gak ikut perang? EGOIS. Tapi gapapa, sekarang gua tau betapa tai nya orang egois itu. Dan yang gua tau, gua juga egois. Jadi gua belajar untuk mengurani sifat jelek gua itu. Dan gua udah ga sabar untuk Breaking Dawn. Pasti itu buku favorit gua. It seems so.
Ketiga, Devi dan Bulan.
Keempat, blog! Gua suka banget blogging. Udah jadi hobby buat gua sekarang.
Kelima, tahun 2009 pokoknya gua harus lebih pinter daripada Widya. Bahkan Faiqa. I'll prove it.
I want to show to ya all 'NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME'. Liat aja, taun 2009 nanti gua pasti berubah. bukan secara fisik, tapi secara mental. Gua bisa lebih jahat, bisa juga lebih baik.
HAPPY NU YAER GUYS! Make your dreams come true!
Rara Cullen.
Box Office Mojo 2008 Yearly Box Office

Twilight is on 8th place! Yeayh
By the way, i love the picture. It is movie companion cover:)
Rara Cullen
Robert Pattinson is a superhero!

He is a superhero in real life!
I LOVE ROBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
According to US Magazine:...
a witness at the No on H8 show at The Improv in Hollywood on December 16, Twilight star Robert Pattinson, 22, booed a comic who said, "Here's my impression of Heath Ledger," then collapsed and began faking convulsions.
"Robert and his friend went nuts yelling at him," the source tells Hit Stuff. "The comic didn't knowwho it was, but I'm sure he found out later!" Pattinson screamed, "Fuck you! You suck!" says a witness.
So, Earlier this month, RPattz attended a show at a place called The Improv (at the US, I think...). A (tacky & heartless) comic made a joke out of the death of the late actor Heath Ledger (How mean!!)
Robert really has a grat bachelor! Dia ngebelain Heath Ledger gitu ya ampun baiknya. Jadi, Robert dateng ke the improv terus ngeliat komik yang ngatain kematian Heath Ledger dengan kejam. Nah Robert dan temannya-i guess it was Tom Sturridge- langsung panas dan gak tinggal diam. "Fuck you! You suck!" How cool is that?
I have no doubt, Rpattz is a good man, so there's no more stupid reason to didn't love him.
Rara Cullen
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Which 'twilight' characters are you?
Quiz by Rara Cullen
Answer the questions below, honestly:
1. Your boyfriend or girlfriend must be:
a. amazingly beautiful
b. dazzle
c. pretty but clumpsy
d. cool
e. funny
f. attractive
g. pretty but clumpsy too
h. motherly
2. Your hobby is:
a. hunting
b. reading books
c. playing piano
d. make a great ocassion
e. spending times in mirror
f. whatever
g. ngotak-ngatik onderdil
h. study and helping others
3. I love my self because:
a. i'm strong
b. i have a gorgeous boyfriend
c. I'm fast
d. i can see what will happen
e. i'm definetely sexy beautiful
f. i can control everyone emotions
g. if i'm hurt, it will be fast for the healing
h. i have a great coven
4. I would be a:
a. whatever
b. book writer
c. musician
d. planner or public relation
e. model
f. army
g. tukang bengkel
h. doctor
5. My dream vehicle:
a. jeep wrangler
b. truck chevey old
c. volvo s60r
d. phorche 911 turbo
e. bmw m3
f. ducati motorcycle
g. vw rabbit
h. mercedes s55amg
you already done the quiz. Anda bisa liat hasilnya dengan memblok tulisan yang ada dibawah ini. got it?
Well, apapun hasilnya, ini cuma quiz ngasal bikinan gua kok. Haha
Answer the questions below, honestly:
1. Your boyfriend or girlfriend must be:
a. amazingly beautiful
b. dazzle
c. pretty but clumpsy
d. cool
e. funny
f. attractive
g. pretty but clumpsy too
h. motherly
2. Your hobby is:
a. hunting
b. reading books
c. playing piano
d. make a great ocassion
e. spending times in mirror
f. whatever
g. ngotak-ngatik onderdil
h. study and helping others
3. I love my self because:
a. i'm strong
b. i have a gorgeous boyfriend
c. I'm fast
d. i can see what will happen
e. i'm definetely sexy beautiful
f. i can control everyone emotions
g. if i'm hurt, it will be fast for the healing
h. i have a great coven
4. I would be a:
a. whatever
b. book writer
c. musician
d. planner or public relation
e. model
f. army
g. tukang bengkel
h. doctor
5. My dream vehicle:
a. jeep wrangler
b. truck chevey old
c. volvo s60r
d. phorche 911 turbo
e. bmw m3
f. ducati motorcycle
g. vw rabbit
h. mercedes s55amg
you already done the quiz. Anda bisa liat hasilnya dengan memblok tulisan yang ada dibawah ini. got it?
Jika anda menjawab A paling sering, maka anda paling mirip dengan Emmett Cullen.
Jika anda menjawab B paling sering, maka anda paling mirip dengan Bella Swan.
Jika anda menjawab C paling sering, maka anda paling mirip dengan Edward Cullen.
Jika anda menjawab D paling sering, maka anda paling mirip dengan Alice Cullen.
Jika anda menjawab E paling sering, maka anda paling mirip dengan Rosalie Hale.
Jika anda menjawab F paling sering, maka anda paling mirip dengan Jasper Hale.
Jika anda menjawab G paling sering, maka anda paling mirip dengan Jacob Black.
Jika anda menjawab H paling sering, maka anda paling mirip dengan Carlisle Cullen.
Well, apapun hasilnya, ini cuma quiz ngasal bikinan gua kok. Haha
Kristen Stewart and marijuana

But, i think, Michael Angarano, the left guy and also Kristen's boyfriend, is totally handsome and cute. I don't know is he a drug addict, so he let Kristen try or what. I hope he could join the twilight sequel and fight off Robert. Well, two sexy guy, why not?
I got a little bit confused, why Kristen didn't post a jail? Kalo di Indonesia, kita kepergok ngeganja bukannya langsung ditangkep polisi ya? Hem
Rara Cullen
Jadi blog gua yang terdahulu, hilang sudah. Gua HARUS membuat blog baru deh. Suatu hari yang amat sial, gua gak bisa buka blog gua yang lama itu, karena blog tersebut terkena spam. Pas mau gua buka muncul tulisan 'Can't open this blog. Operation Aborted'. Gua cari di google cara ngebenerinnya, dan susahnya luar biasa. Lagi pula, cara tersebut cuma bisa dipake di microsoft internet explorer 8. Sementara internet gua bukan.
Kalo kangen sama blog gua yang lama-gak mungkin ya, tetep bisa diakses kok. Tapi addressnya beda. rara-cullen.blogspot.com sementara yang baru tetep raracullen.blogspot.com
Tadinya gua mikir, i shouldn't blogging anymore. Tapi itu gak mungkin. I'm a truly blogwalkers. And i want to share my life and my Robert Pattinson stuff to ya all.
So, i started blog from zero. I'll try hard.
Rara Cullen
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