Saturday, January 17, 2009
Kellan Lutz on Warriors

The 23-year-old actor teams up with Twilight co-star Ashley Greene in the new flick, playing her love interest rather than her brother. Kellan stars as Conor Sullivan, a star lacrosse player who loses his father and drives his mother (Gabriella Anwar) up the wall. Conor is sent to a lacrosse camp and falls for the coach’s daughter, Brooklyn (Greene). Warrior hits theaters later this year.
See it on JustJaredJr here!
who's your future twilight husband?

My fashion stuffs

My dream leather ankle boots
Bravo Interview
Bravo: But you GO into the bathroom.. Didn’t you say that you don’t wash you hair sometimes? for weeks?
Robert: That’s Right [laughs] It bothers from time to time.. Actually I just go into the bathroom to use the toilette.
Friday, January 16, 2009
How To Be screening

Rara Cullen.
28 reasons why twilight the movie MAY BE better than the books
All about Robert Pattinson

Most people have one thing they are afraid of - and Twilight star Robert Pattinson is no different. He might be strong and fearless onscreen but he isn't that tough in his everyday life. When Rob was asked by Bravo magazine what scares him he replied: "Darkness! I can't fall asleep without a light!
"And I don't like driving. Even in a taxi."
Rob's obsessive crush:
Twilight hunk Robert Pattinson wasn't popular at school and struggled to approach girls he fancied. He recently told Joy magazine: "I was obsessed with a girl for years but I never talked to her because I was extremely shy."I think this is the best kind of love (laughs), nothing can go wrong."Years later, I told her about it and she was totally shocked because she hadn't noticed anything. "But she is the reason I ultimately got into acting."
He told mädchen.de, "James. That's the only other character I would have like to have played."
He has some reservations though, "I don't really want many superpowers because once you have superpowers people will just say 'Hey can you use your superpowers for this.'
"It's like having money, once you have loads of money everyones like 'Can I borrow some money' it's like I don't want to give you any of my superpowers alright."
Last year Robert had a bit of a crush on Hollow Man actress Elizabeth Shue.
"So what? Age doesn't matter to me and like I said I don't really have a type."
Robert also revealed that Twilight producers hadn't been too keen on him being Edward Cullen.
He says "It's true. When they mentioned my name in high places, someone shrugged his shoulders and said: "Robert who?" They weren't ready to bet on a stranger.
"They would have loved to find a 17 year old Leonardo DiCaprio."
"I think Twilight fans are pretty much preteens and their mothers. I haven't met a girl of my age yet who has told me she loved my part as Edward. It helps to keep my feet on the ground."
Robert finds it strange when they compare him to Orlando Bloom or Jude Law.(STUPID)
He explains, "It's strange, because I don't see myself as a star, not for a second. I have a specific idea of the career I want to have and I promised myself that I will not take part in a movie, without interests, only for the money.
"Keep this interview, someday you'll be able to tease me when I accept a part in a trashy movie just to get a big cheque."
"I love to read and my passion is music. When I'm not shooting, I perform in little pubs where nobody knows who I am.
"My ideal would be to be like Van Morrison in his beginnings. I'm obsessed with his first albums.
He might have millions of fans but Robert still doesn't think he is good looking.
Rob says, "I stopped auditioning for months because I was not self-confident.
"When I read Twilight, I didn't see me at all as Edward. We describe him as someone with a sublime body, while I'm...Let's just say that I don't have big abs!
"And I could not think about spending four hours a day in a gym. I was one of the last to pass the audition and I didn't believe in it at all."
"My life has changed dramatically. It is because of Jack I became an actor.
"No other actor has had that great of an impact on me.
"I liked James Dean and I like the French actor Romain Duris, but no one like Nicholson."
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Ed Westwick time

Taylor before and after

Robert's new
Also, there’s a new article about Rob not wanting to become his fans’ role model. Here’s some memorable quotes.
“I don’t feel that I have to be a role model for the fans. That I have to change my way of living in anyway.”
“It’s not like it is for Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, in Harry Potter, who have positive roles. I play a vampire, and I don’t think there’s many who expect goodness of them.” He jokingly adds, “I am supposed to be evil, haha!”
He’s so funny. Anyway, read the rest of the article here.
Rara Cullen
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ashley Greene talked about Rob's hair
Actress Ashley Greene, aka Alice Cullen in Twilight, was interviewed by Access Hollywood at the Golden Globe’s after party about Rob’s ‘new’ hairdo.
“I heard he got in trouble for cutting his hair,” Ashley told E!‘s Marc Malkin Sunday at the InStyle/WB Golden Globes after party. “But what can I say? I like guys with longer hair.”
“I think he’s getting enough flack, I’m sure,” she continued. “I mean his every move is recorded and photographed and documented, so I’m not going to give him a hard time.”
Read the article here.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
2. Edi Gathegi confirmed that he still play as Laurent.
The Summer House

Richard is just eighteen. He is a good looking boy, with an ambivalent feminine side, skinny and androgynous in the fashion of that time. He is narcissistic and entirely self regarding, his is a solipsistic universe with only one golden person inhabiting it; himself. Jane was the trophy girlfriend until he found better, then he was in turn dumped and now is back trying to ingratiate himself with Jane. He has written letters to the chateau, decorated the envelopes with psychedelic love hearts.
He sees himself as a lover, as a pop figure, something of a curious cross between Bob Dylan and Mick Jagger. He is the kind of boy who will hang around looking pitiful and hoping his moodiness will attract girls, which it does. If thwarted he will turn nasty in an instant, and does. He wants Jane to feel sorry for him for making the mistake of giving her up. He is desperate for her, but he is the wrong boy, he is an 'unsuitable boy'.
You can check out the official movie site for The Summer House HERE.
Rara Cullen