Saturday, January 10, 2009
Robert Pattinson is Faces to watch in 2009
Rob Pattinson has been named #13 out of 34 for Faces to Watch in 2009 by Sky.
Faces To Watch 2009
Who? Robert Pattinson
Sizzle Factor: First off, this 22-year-old is hot, we’re talking seriously hot. Then we have the sideline fact that he’s one of Blighty’s brightest new things in Hollywood. There’s Harry Potter, a vampire stint in fantasy flick Twilight and yet another horror movie by way of 2009’s New Moon. Impressive. And did we mention hot?
Rara Cullen
Shine on Media award
Shining stars award:
Song of the year, Decode by Paramore is on 3rd place.
Movie of the year, Twilight won, for sure.
Celebrity of the year, Robert Pattinson!!!!!!
Favorite website, twilight fansite on top and Robert Pattinson online on the 4th place. Hem, coba masuk ya
Favorite actor, Robert Pattinson of course.
Favorite actress, Kristen Stewart.
Favorite tv show, Gossip Girl!!!!
Hottest male, Robert Pattinson no doubt and Taylor Lautner on 5th place.
click here to see
Rara Cullen
Song of the year, Decode by Paramore is on 3rd place.
Movie of the year, Twilight won, for sure.
Celebrity of the year, Robert Pattinson!!!!!!
Favorite website, twilight fansite on top and Robert Pattinson online on the 4th place. Hem, coba masuk ya
Favorite actor, Robert Pattinson of course.
Favorite actress, Kristen Stewart.
Favorite tv show, Gossip Girl!!!!
Hottest male, Robert Pattinson no doubt and Taylor Lautner on 5th place.
click here to see
Rara Cullen
gossip girl,
Robert Pattinson,
Twilight cast
Rob's from his theater
Mr&Mrs Cullen
What's in my mind
Sekarang lagi ujan. Dan ga ada apa-apa yang bisa di post, jadi gua tulis yang ada di otak aja ya.
Guru ngaji udah nunggu, namanya bu Masitoh. Waktu itu dia cerita ke adek gua tentang nabi Yusuf. Kata bu Itoh, nabi Yusuf itu orang yang paling ganteng sedunia. Otak gua reflek komentar, "Mau aja lu diboongin bu itoh sa, orang paling ganteng di dunia itu Robert Pattinson. Nabi Yusuf mah gak ada apa-apanya." bantah gua dengan semangat 45. Eh, bu Itoh malah makin nyeramahin gua-_- ckck.
Aduh, males banget ngaji nih ya ampun. Sama malesnya kayak solat. Sekarang, gua lagi chat sama Bulan yang lagi ngomongin anak SMA gebetannya yang 'lumayan' lah, daripada cowok-cowok sebelumnya. Haha
Kemaren ke Bandung kan, yah begitulah, gua kepikiran Robert mulu, ga tau deh tu acaranya ngapain. Trus ngeliat kakaknya Devi. Haha, gua yakin si J kalo udah gede kayak gitu tampangnya. Well, your brother seems like a good and smart guy Dev. Bulan aja ngefans haha.
Waktu balik dari Bandung baru seru. Busnya berubah jadi tempat karoke. Semuanya nyanyi. Gua udah ngantuk banget, bener-bener pengen tidur, sekaligus kepikiran sama Robert. Jangan tanya apa yang gua pikirin.
Sekarang gua lagi penasaran banget siapa yang bakalan jadi Seth Clearwater. Gua pernah liat gambar sketsanya. He's soooo cute, haha. Seth is my fave werewolf!
Gua buat list paling malas dilakukan ya:
Guru ngaji udah nunggu, namanya bu Masitoh. Waktu itu dia cerita ke adek gua tentang nabi Yusuf. Kata bu Itoh, nabi Yusuf itu orang yang paling ganteng sedunia. Otak gua reflek komentar, "Mau aja lu diboongin bu itoh sa, orang paling ganteng di dunia itu Robert Pattinson. Nabi Yusuf mah gak ada apa-apanya." bantah gua dengan semangat 45. Eh, bu Itoh malah makin nyeramahin gua-_- ckck.
Aduh, males banget ngaji nih ya ampun. Sama malesnya kayak solat. Sekarang, gua lagi chat sama Bulan yang lagi ngomongin anak SMA gebetannya yang 'lumayan' lah, daripada cowok-cowok sebelumnya. Haha
Kemaren ke Bandung kan, yah begitulah, gua kepikiran Robert mulu, ga tau deh tu acaranya ngapain. Trus ngeliat kakaknya Devi. Haha, gua yakin si J kalo udah gede kayak gitu tampangnya. Well, your brother seems like a good and smart guy Dev. Bulan aja ngefans haha.
Waktu balik dari Bandung baru seru. Busnya berubah jadi tempat karoke. Semuanya nyanyi. Gua udah ngantuk banget, bener-bener pengen tidur, sekaligus kepikiran sama Robert. Jangan tanya apa yang gua pikirin.
Sekarang gua lagi penasaran banget siapa yang bakalan jadi Seth Clearwater. Gua pernah liat gambar sketsanya. He's soooo cute, haha. Seth is my fave werewolf!
Gua buat list paling malas dilakukan ya:
- Keramas(bukan ngikutin Robert ya sumpah deh)
- Solat(dosa gua udah kayak apa dah tau)
- ngaji
- belajar matematik
- menghadapi hari sabtu
List yang HARUS dilakukan:
- Blogging
- Buka facebook
- Memikirkan Robert Pattinson
- Minum susu
- Gosok gigi, i love my teeth!
Okeee ya, ga penting banget. Gua harap ga pada nyesel baca post ini ya, haha.
Rara Cullen.
Rob's from Europe Tour

Rara Cullen
1. Kristen Stewart is on 2nd place at Teen Vogue's best dressed. Dress pas dia lagi di Twilight's French premiere. Oke, ga penting banget.
2. Twilight movie soundtrack is back on 1st place in
3. Solomon Trimble is Sam Uley
MTV: Jackson Rathbone interview
Oh goddamn, i miss Jackson so much. With his new 'bad' image. He's sexy i think;p
Rara Cullen
Super Stuffs!
1. Twilight is listed in Empire Magazine's Fifty Films that Define 2008. See the list here.
2. posted up an update for new moon's casting news.
3. Newsarama talks about twilight and relates it to 'elitism, feminism and romanticism'. Read more here.
4. InStyle created a guide for you to look like Ashley Greene for less. Of course, all items are noted in USD-_-. Well, i like to look like Ashley. She's definetely pretty.
5. TheImproper reports that Robert Pattinson is currently not dating anyone. Oh God, what a good news:)
6. Hello Magazine is asking your vote for the Most Attractive Man of 2008. Robert Pattinson is in the lead, ya'll!! Vote here!
Rara Cullen loves
2. posted up an update for new moon's casting news.
3. Newsarama talks about twilight and relates it to 'elitism, feminism and romanticism'. Read more here.
4. InStyle created a guide for you to look like Ashley Greene for less. Of course, all items are noted in USD-_-. Well, i like to look like Ashley. She's definetely pretty.
5. TheImproper reports that Robert Pattinson is currently not dating anyone. Oh God, what a good news:)
6. Hello Magazine is asking your vote for the Most Attractive Man of 2008. Robert Pattinson is in the lead, ya'll!! Vote here!
Rara Cullen loves
Ashley Greene,
New Moon,
Robert Pattinson,
Twilight the movie
Who should play Leah Clearwater?
MTV Movies blog reports of a rumour about the casting for the role of Leah Clearwater in new moon. The rumour is that Vanessa Hudgens and Brenda Song are in the running for the role!!
But um, i think, neither of them seems like Leah in my mind. They are too girly and too Disney, are they?
Rara Cullen.
little updates
1. The Twilight DVD will be release on MARCH 21st. And you can pre-order it now Click here to reserve your copy of Twilight (Two-Disc Special Edition) You know what, I'll buy it as soon as possible;)
2. Stephenie said on her website :"I'd just like to add that I was very much a part of this decision. My first priority was always what was best for New Moon—what was going to give us the best possible movie. I'm truly thrilled that Taylor was the one who proved to the director, to Summit, and to me that he is the best possible Jacob we could have. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing what he's going to bring to Jacob's character this year.
- Steph"
Rara Cullen
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wonderwall by OASIS
Bulan yang memperdengarkan lagu ini karena incarannya nyuruh dia dengerin. Gua suka banget parah, karena liriknya. Ngingetin gua sama si brandalan tolol yang ga tau kabarnya gimana bahkan gua ga tau bakal ketemu dia lagi atau enggak. Ck. Dan ada lirik yang nyindir gua sama Robert juga "I don't believe that anybody feels the way i do about you now." awwwwwwwww
The Summer House preview
Robert, oh my, DON'T. Okay, whatever. But i always dream to cuddling with you, but you cuddling with 2 fucker other, Kristen and this unknown.
Rara Cullen
For tommorow
Kemungkinan besar gue gak blogging besok karena ada pariwisata yang ga penting menurut gua, ke bandung. Berangkat jam setengah 7 pulang jam 8an. Nyampe rumah paling udah capek dan ga mungkin blogging. Yah:(
Happiness for you all who can watch How To Be at Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan, please tell about it......
Rara Cullen
Happiness for you all who can watch How To Be at Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan, please tell about it......
Rara Cullen
Slated for a March release. But it sounds more like 80 pages of pictures.
You swooned over him on-screen in Twilight; now learn about the man behind the vampire. His British roots, his musical talents, the audition that changed his life — there’s more to Robert Pattinson than his trademark hair!
For Indonesia Pattinsane: I think so, those books are avaible on Kinokuniya or Periplus someday. I'm hunting those stuffs. So, watchout Kino and Periplus=p
Rara Cullen.
Little Ashes in GQ

Well, I love to watch Rob in short pants, really sexy;p Ya ampun pahanya...........
Rara Cullen loves.
A letter for team Jacob Black!
Robert loves Patty!

By the way, i love his hand writing..... I think that's more than nice, is that?
Rara Cullen
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Rob's oldschool pics
MTV posted an article of future projects of the twilight casts. A Top 10 list is also included, ranging from 'My Bloody Valentine 3D' to 'New Moon'.
Also, it has been reported that Robert Pattinson is no longer attached to 'Parts per Billion', co-starring Rosario Dawson. This is due to his busy schedule. Read the report here. That's good Rob, you have to be total on New Moon. And Rosario won't get your kissing expertise;)
Rara Cullen
Also, it has been reported that Robert Pattinson is no longer attached to 'Parts per Billion', co-starring Rosario Dawson. This is due to his busy schedule. Read the report here. That's good Rob, you have to be total on New Moon. And Rosario won't get your kissing expertise;)
Rara Cullen
Taylor Lautner still Jake Black, okay?

Team Jacob rejoice! Entertainment Weekly reports that Taylor Lautner may return for the sequel to twilight. Summit is expected to announce its decision for the cast of new moon this week.
Okay, for sure now, TAYLOR LAUTNER AS JAKE BLACK! No copon or another fucker okay?
Read the report here!
Twilight DVD

Pics from: RPL
Ya ampun. As you know on my ex blog, ada foto Robert lagi ngejilat Anna Kendrick-fuck- itu kan? Finally, i got the truth. Robert emang ngejilat si Anna :( tapi waktu itu dia lagi mabok. I'm not surprised by that truth. Robert kan pemabok berat. Cuma si Anna itu jadi kesenengan deh, liat aja senyumnya bahagia banget tai. Kalo punya nyali yang gede, bisa cek video Robert mabok-mabokan and licked Anna Kendrick di 'Robert Pattinson on vids' gua. Oke?
Terus, tadi gua bikin kuis twilight sama Faiqa, orang paling pinter, paling rajin, paling terobsesi(mending obsesinya kayak gua) dikelas. Well, udah ketauan kan kalo gue yang menang? Nilai gue 8.5, sebenernya bisa 100 sih itu tu gara-gara Faiqa gak jelas bikin soalnya hahahaha. Gua salah dibagian anafase interfase gitu gitu. Tapi sumpah ya Fai, gak ada telofase! Ngarang aja lu dasar obsesi pelajaran biologi-_- Dan, si Faiqa yang cantik ini nilainya 4, hahaha, remedial dong fai. Untuk urusan matematik fisika and another not worth it stuff lu boleh dah jago. Psst, faiqa ini ranking 1 loh, hebat bukan---______--------?Dan dia itu ngefans sama warna pink, makanya fontnya gua ganti pink, sesuai dengan kesukaan Faiqa---___---Tapi kalo urusan Twilight, sampe kapan pun gue yang menang kan kan?
Rara Cullen
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
robert pattinson stuffs

As you know, Robert is hard smoker. He is smoking anywhere everywhere he want. Also drink alchohol and partying. Well, that's not a big problem for a young and western people like him. I just worried about death, okay i'm stupid! All i know, smoking just killing you slowly but sure and i don't want it happen to Rob. Mati emang ditangan tuhan, but i don't want he is death before i meet him. You know that. And i don't want he get a tragic like Heath Ledger before......

Yes Rob, you can stand under my umbrella. You can even own my soul;)

Um, hard to say. Is he really Robert? Is this picture editted? When this picture was captured? I don't really think he is sexy like now:(
Rara Cullen
New Moon official
“New Moon”
Release date: November 20, 2009
Cast: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
Directed by: Chris Weitz
Written by: Melissa Rosenberg(still)
Synopsis: Bella Swan is devastated by the abrupt departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen but her spirit is rekindled by her growing friendship with the irresistible Jacob Black. Suddenly she finds herself drawn into the world of the werewolves, ancestral enemies of the vampires, and finds her loyalties tested.
Release date: November 20, 2009
Cast: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
Directed by: Chris Weitz
Written by: Melissa Rosenberg(still)
Synopsis: Bella Swan is devastated by the abrupt departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen but her spirit is rekindled by her growing friendship with the irresistible Jacob Black. Suddenly she finds herself drawn into the world of the werewolves, ancestral enemies of the vampires, and finds her loyalties tested.
You can check the other Summit movie 2009 here http://
So now, no doubt about new moon. And there's a big chace for Taylor to be Jake Black again. Very good news.
Rara Cullen.
STARmeter Top 10 week 2nd January 2009

Rara Cullen
Monday, January 5, 2009
MTV 2008's Memorable Movie Moments
MTV came up with a list of 2008's Memorable Movie Moments, which focuses on the Other Awards... The Other Awards include "Biggest DVD-Case Screwup" Award, "Most Simultaneously Cool and Ridiculously Lame Moment" Award, etc...
On this list, twilight won one award. It's the "Déjà Vu All Over Again" Award. This is why:
In the sunny, outdoor scene in which Jessica (Anna Kendrick) tells Bella (Kristen Stewart) that the Cullens aren't in school today, watch closely. As the school bell rings, you'll see an editing mistake that has two extras in the background getting up to leave for class, then doing it again moments later.
Click here to view the list of The Other Awards.
Rara Cullen hates.
On this list, twilight won one award. It's the "Déjà Vu All Over Again" Award. This is why:
In the sunny, outdoor scene in which Jessica (Anna Kendrick) tells Bella (Kristen Stewart) that the Cullens aren't in school today, watch closely. As the school bell rings, you'll see an editing mistake that has two extras in the background getting up to leave for class, then doing it again moments later.
Click here to view the list of The Other Awards.
Rara Cullen hates.
Twilight and all

1. Rob and Kristen won 1st place at top 10 best kisses of 2008 by Brazilian magazine, Craphico. Rob and Kristen also on the cover from their special Twilight edition.
2. Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black (?) I watched on E!
Kristen Stewart,
Robert Pattinson,
Taylor Lautner,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Go back to school, go back to hell
Liburan kali ini gak terasa banget ya. Perasaan baru libur deh. Huah bete banget.
Besok, udah harus sekolah lagi. Banyak pr lagi, banyak tugas lagi, banyak diomelin nyokap lagi. Sheat. The biggest change is, GUE BAKAL NAIK BUS PULANG PERGI. That's sound really tiredful.
Gue sekolah di Bakti Mulya, lebak bulus situ, sementara rumah gue di BSD. Tiap hari keluar kota gue-_- kan BSD itu masuk tangerang. Biasanya gue naik jemputan. Tapi, berdasarkan perasaan kasian terhadap orangtua, gue memutuskan harus naik bus. Bayaran jemputannya 1 JUTA seratus ribu per bulan. Bokap nyokap gue tekor gara-gara transport gue doang. Lagi pula, udah bayar sejuta lebih, mobilnya cuma carry butut yang ACnya kayak angin dari neraka. Panas banget. Bisa sauna gue, setiap pulang sekolah aja sragam gue basah kuyup, panas. Udah panas kayak apaan tau, yang ikut tuh jemputan banyaaak banget. Ada 11an orang gitu. Bayangin gak? Ada 11 orang dalem 1 carry kecil yang ACnya nyaris ga berfungsi udah gitu gue mesti bayar sejuta lebih? Ogah gue. Makanya, gue milih naik Trans BSD. Udah dingin, harganya juga bisa ditolerir kan? Sekalian melatih kemandirian kan? ahaha.
Masalahnya, gue males nunggu busnya. Kalo gue ketinggalan bus, kan bisa sejam lebih nunggunya. Terus-i know it's silly- gue takut jalan ke carrefournya(tempat bus gue berenti), takut ada orang jahat, hahahaha. Well, gue harus belajar berkompromi dan ngambil resiko yang ada kan? Like Edward does in Eclipse. huem.
Udah ga sabar pengen baca Breaking Dawn. Pengennya sih yang english version, tapi udah ga ada dimana-mana. :(
Oh ya, buat lo yang sekolah di Jakarta, kita bakal masuk jam setengah 7 kan??? Sumpah ya, tai banget pemerintah. Mau bangun jam berapa gue? Untungnya sih, BM belom ngasih pemberitahuan tentang masuk jam setengah 7 itu. Tapi pasti sebentar lagi keputusan itu berlaku juga deh. Yang bikin gue ga setuju adalah, malem-malem kan kita udah belajar dan bikin pr, trus mesti bangun lebih pagi. Murid-murid bakal tidur semua kan di kelas, dan sistem pembelajaran jadi ga efektif. Kenapa ga orang kantoran aja sih yang masuk jam 7?
Gue tau, maksudnya pemerintah adalah untuk MENGURANGI KEMACETAN di Jakarta. Tapi menurut gue meraka salah. Mengurangi kemacetan sama aja dengan mengurangi polusi yang dikeluarin, bukan bikin kita masuk sekolah pagi-pagi buta. Ini sih mengorbankan pelajar namanya. Ya ga? Tell me your comments
Kinokuniya event
As we all know, Robert Pattinson is on How To Be right? Gue sih ragu, apakah film itu akan diputer di bioskop atau enggak. Mudah-mudahan iya.
Nah tapi, ada event keren yang diadain Kinokuniya bookstore(my fave). Lo semua bisa nonton How To Be bareng di kinokuniya plaza Senayan, tanggal 9 Januari kalo gak salah. Untuk waktunya gue lupa tuh-_-, kira-kira jam 6-9 pm lah.......
Yang gue masih bingung adalah, nonton How To Be nya didalem Kinokuniya atau di bioskop? Kalo di puternya di bioskop, i'll watch it as soon as i can. Tapi kan How To Be itu film indie yang yang ga terlalu gede kan? Masa di puter di 21?
Buat yang tau info lengkapnya, kasih tau gue ya. I've been so confused.
Rara Cullen loves.
Twilight Parfume again

Jerry Fetus (??) has an article posted on his website. It's about the twilight perfume. It so happens that it looks EXACTLY like another perfume, "Nina" by Nina Ricci
Jadi, Twilight Parfume product(paling atas) terlihat sama kayak parfumnya Nina Ricci, ya kan? Wah wah.
Ah tapi bodo amatlah, yang penting, I really want and need Twilight parfume. I don't know where to buy, but that's look really good for me.
Read the complete article here.
Rara Cullen
The Summer House
The Summer House is Rob Pattinson another movie, besides Harry Potter 4, Twilight, New Moon, Little Ashes and How To Be.
The Summer House site says:The Summer House film - Coming out in April 2009. If you would like to be updated on the progress of this film please email us at
In the new movie, Rob plays Richard, a narcissistic and entirely self regarding guy, he is a solipsistic universe with only one golden person inhabiting it; himself.
Di film ini, scence Robert gak terlalu banyak, tapi cukup menjijikan. You can see the preview. Robert cuma cuddling sama seorang cewek(pemeran utamanya) lamaaaaaa banget ya ampun. I'm totally jealous! I hope, cewek yang punya kesempatan cuddling sama Rob di the summer house gak kayak Kristen Stewart yang baru ciuman sama Robert aja 'bawel'nya setengah mati-_-
Rara Cullen
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