While Brit first-timer Oliver Irving's micro-indie How to Be may not be high art, because it stars Twilight star Rob Pattinson, it has a target audience. The flick about a sadsack guitar player who moves back in with his parents after his girlfriend dumps him had been seeking a distrib since its Slamdance debut in January, 2008. I asked Pattinson about How to Be in a Twilight interview back in November (Flip Cam video below), which was seen by IFC Films buyer Arianna Boccho, who tracked down How to Be and bought it one week later for IFC Festival Direct.
Post-Twilight, IFC took the film to fests and one-off screenings in Chicago, Boston, and LA, which were jammed by Pattinson fans, who also lined up around the block in NYC last weekend for two sold-out screenings at the IFC Center.
Pattinson has happily flogged the movie, taking time out of his New Moon shooting schedule to do reads for the various cable systems promoting the film. And he's giving away the clothes that he wore during the How to Be shoot for a contest on Seventeen.com. IFC publicized Pattinson to drive viewers to view the movie on-demand (starting April 29) via Entertainment Tonight, AOL, Life & Style and MTV.com, which has long catered to the Pattinson fan base.
While there are no reviews on Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic, the IMDb user ratings are strong, and the movie boasts over 14,000 Facebook fans. And the filmmakers have been sending out daily newsletters to keep their fans up-to-date on the latest How to Be developments.
Here's a strange behind-the-scenes video of Pattinson's visit to the Austin Film Fest with How to Be, and the official How to Be website. More How to Be photos and a trailer on the jump.
From: Variety
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